Our Services

We provide the future of drywall. And make visions in reality.

Hanging/ Soffit Framing

We also provide the hanging. Before we start taping we hang all the wall and ceiling. It can be different size of sheetrock. 1/2 or 5/8 but we make sure every screw and seams are good. Be for we start tape we make sure every screw is in and make sure the seams are good to start taping. so we can avoid cracks or any other damage. We also do custom soffit frame we frame it with shinny 90s or L Metal.

JRE DRYWALL 's image

Dump Trailer rental

We provide Trailer rental.

JRE DRYWALL 's image

Drywall Finishes

We provide many type of drywall finishes in the walls and ceiling. One of our services is that we provide with level 5 finishes (high end finish) we call this level 5 finish Because it provide a more modern look and makes the wall look perfect. Another finish we provide is Level 4 finish this one is kind of like the level 5 finish but with less coats. And the last one and the most liked one is a holy smooth texture on the walls and a knock down texture on the ceiling like how It is in the last picture.

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